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About Nefolo
Nefolo is built on over 22 years of experience in the Technology Industry which has reached into all its corners.

From Sales Strategy to Application Development. Tech Startup to Cloud Service Provider. We have seen the world of IT evolve and change from all angles, supplier to consumer.

We knew there was a problem facing businesses around technology. It was a massive problem, one that had been there for years, and one that was only getting bigger, faster.

One of those problems hiding in plain sight, it felt almost accepted, only being seen when it was too late to do anything about.

The truth is that businesses do not know exactly what software and services they are using, a problem compounded by the ease and speed of cloud offerings. So we set out to change that.

We have worked with dozens of companies that have been held back from making cloud savings and security improvements due to an inability to make decisions. This inability to make a decision has come from a lack of confidence that results from a lack of information.

IT can complicated enough, so at Nefolo, we want the value you get from it to be clear and simple.
Adam Chamberlain


Greg Howett


Jon Clements
